Spring means different things in different parts of the country. In Alaska, for instance, spring means that major retailers start stocking their shelves with bear repellent spray. In Florida, on the other hand, merchants prepare for the onslaught of Spring Break party goers. In the Midwest and other parts of the country where there are horse breeders, veterinary supplies make sure that they are fully stocked with equine infectious anemia virus antibody and other needed shots and treatment aides.
From antigen heartworm tests to Parvo test kits, veterinarians provide the first line of defense for many farmers, ranchers, breeders, and private animal owners. Because every season brings with it a different threat to animals, it should come as no surprise that many animal owners have a contract with a local veterinary, as well as making sure that they have immediate access to a veterinary laboratory. For breeders who depend on the health of their large animals to make a profit and to protect both their reputation and investment, in fact, the relationship with a well respected veterinarian is one of the most important parts of their business. The fact that the antibody for something as serious as equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) needs to change to match any new strains means that there is a growing and continuing need for veterinary diagnostics companies to make these improvements.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the veterinary industry and some of the services and medicines that they rely on to keep both small and large animals healthy:
- 1 million dogs are estimated to be heartworm positive in the U.S. every year.
- Preventive monthly treatments are an affordable option given that heartworm treatment can cost up to $1,000.
- The majority of horses are inapparent carriers of EIAV, meaning that they show no overt clinical abnormalities as a result of infection.
- An even bigger threat, these abnormalities survive as reservoirs of the infection for extended periods and can have significantly lower concentrations of EIAV in their blood than horses with active clinical signs of the disease.
- Although only one horsefly out of six million is likely to pick up and transmit EIAV from an affected horse, this is still a significant risk
Unfortunately, there are a few animal diseases that can pass to humans. This is just one more reason why it is so important to make sure that your animals, of any size are well cared for.